domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Block method. The advantages and disadvantages of celefrating a Halloween's party in your house.

 Block method.
The advantages and disadvantages of celebrating a Halloween's party in your house.

I have always loved Halloween. Maybe a reason of this could be that, when I was a little girl, I used to be a friend of an Irish boy who every year celebrated it. Accompanied by the rest of the children of the neighbourhood, we used to go out dressed like monsters, vampires or ghosts (and some Spidermans and Hulks) to play games and do the typical "trick or treat". But finally, that child moved away and, with him, Halloween. Nevertheless, despite were not such those parties outside, I learned to love this foreing celebration.

Years later, me and my friends celebrated it with a party every year, with no exception, in one of their houses. The last year, the party was at my home. Sincerelly, I enjoyed it. It was difficult decorating everything, thinking about what to do, what to eat, what to drink, what to see and what to hear, but I loved hang the garlands up, put fake-spider web... maybe that not as much as the other things :(.  I enjoyed buying, eating and sharing out the candies and chocolates. It was funny to see how the children (and the not as children) asked for them at my door, everyone with awesome customs (or, at least, the majority). In addition, my friens helped me to prepare all this great show in every moment.

Nevertheless, there were difficulties too. I had to decorate the house quickly, which sometimes was hard because the garlands were a little high and the adhesive tape did not want to do its job. I had constantly to go and open the door during the party because of the people asking for candy. There were unexpected events: my brother invited his friends and he did not tell me, so sometimes we did not have enough space it the kitchen and in the living room. Finally, I had to clean and organize the house before I went to bed, which was...irritating and tiring.

However, if somebody asked me if I would do another party this year, I would not have any doubt to say "yes, of course". In fact, I am going to do another party in my house. I will organize better everything this time because the difficulties are very little in comparison with the fun.

Happy Halloween!
(I like this version too

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