sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

3rd part of my un


-Darling, are you OK?

It was Muriel. Adam woke up feeling strange. Desolated but still proud of himself. He had not realized that he was gasping and sweating, and the tears were fighting for going out and start its dancing. 

-Yes, don't worry, honey.
-Again? - she had that face one more time. 

He hated worrying her. Their relationship was the most beautiful of his life, and he did not want to make her get sad because he knew her as nobody: pure heart, pure soul, pure whole her. She loved him and she really cared about everything that happened to him: from the littlest headache to the worsts moments. She was kind to him even when she was angry -and/or hungry.

-Really, don't worry. Go to sleep again. You're so beauty when you sleep...-"maybe a few nice words will calm her" he thought-. I'll take a glass of milk.
-Ok, but come back soon.

The same routine of the last night started: glass of milk/chocolate, his laptop and his nightmares. 

"-Joe? Joe! You're late! As usual...
-Shut up! I'm going!

In my dream, I was a young boy quite normal, but with a storm of feelings inside. I coulf feel the anger and the rancour inside him, despite he looked fragile and kind. At the same time, he didn't feel self-confident nor handsome. He went to the high school, "the jungle" as she was used to name it, by bus: "a cell with heels". Luckily, he had a few friends with which he felt comfortable. He liked a girl, but he had never talked to her. "A goddes as her wouldn't ever talk to a piece of mediocrity as me" he always thought. The day passed typical, without incidents. Or that he believed. An older boy suddenly attacked him. It was not the first time, and he was not able to tolerate it any more. He did not know why, but he felt brave. Powerful. Maybe a reason was that the previous mentioned girl was looking at him, with a sad expression in her face. As Adam, he did not want her loved one to suffer because of him. "Never give in. Never back down". It was the words that somebody told him in any moment of his life. He did not remember who nor why, but, for him, in that moment, were the biggest true under the Sun.Thus, he faced that hiper-musculated fool and could hit him with all his forces on his huge nose. "It loos like a great bullseye" he thought. That poor guy was bleeding on the floor, but what Joe saw and what he felt was that he had defeated his fears. He felt free. He was free. Nevertheless, the thing that he did not see was that some "friends" of his "victim" were just behind him. Then, a violent and terryfing spectacle begun. All them started hitting him without compassion. He had never felt as much pain in his whole life. It was not only phisical pain. The desesperation inside him was horrible. He would not feel free anymore...".

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