martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014

Just another year?

Sincerely, at first I didn't know about what write on the blog. I knew I had to write something, but, what? Several ideas crossed across my mind, ones better than others. Maybe because of the fear to the paper in black, or my busy head, or my tired eyes, it has become difficult for me writing here. It looks like I am angry with the blog when I do not write as often I used to on it. Then, I remembered the beginning of the course, and the illusion I had when I started this kind of job of the subject. The story I began writing (poor Adam) and the process of learning to write properly (poor me). These memories made me think about this year in general. The result? Sadness and happiness at the same time. Melancholy. Much melancholy. So I'll write about my 2014. No Indians-European critic, no new year's eve resolution, no practice of an essay about the first thing that cross my mind, no Education kitties...well, OK, kitties yes :)

First and fonemost, I had to fight (as well as my partners and my friends) against 2nd of Bachillerato and the final boss: PAU (dramatic music). It meant not only study as hard as never, sacryfing needed sleepeng hours and the little sanity that I could had then, but also bad humour, annoyance whith loved ones and, in general, the worst of me. But I still alive! There is a famous "story" related to this. That year, they changed me the classical subject of the branch of Humanities where I was, Greek for P.E. I have never been athletic nor I have liked sport, and it was not a typical P.E.: it was a lord P.E., an optative subject = a very hard and DISGUSTING subject that I had got to do. The level was too high for me, and it difficulted me the study of the rest of the subjects, as well as my humour and my phisical state (I was always tired). But I'm here, so I cannot complain. 

Another remarkable fact of my 2014 is the change. Without a doubt, this year has been the most intense. This is more personal, so I won't speak about it. I'll just say that it has been a year full of joy and sadness; laugh and tears; anger, fear, love, new and old. Fair and unfair. Disappointment. Full of goodbyes... Some hellos. A year of contrasts. Also, I have become an adult (despite I still feeling and looking as a child), undergraduate and pre-philologist, and, as all those important stuff, I have changed (luckily, in the good sense). I have met new people and strengthen relations with my previous loved ones. I have commited mistakes and I have solved as good as I could. I have learned more than ever but I feel that it is not enough. I could say that I am not entirely happy about my advance.

It seems incredible that in some hours we will forget this year to begin 2015. Just in a few hours, whole families, groups of friends, lonely ones and all the people I know will be eating the grapes (except me, who will eat pieces of chocolate or other stuff) while hearing the famous new year's eve clock, welcoming events to come along the new calendar. New year's resolution will be though and done only the firsts days, weeks or, as maximun, months (and we all know it).

In a nutshell, I would like to wish you a happy new year and parties in general :)

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

11th part of my untitled story

-This is complicated to say, Mr. Brown...take a seat and I'll explain.

Adam quickly sat on his bed and looked at the man. He looked like a kind of doctor. A very serious one.

-First and fonemost, calm down and...
-Say it, dammit!
-You have been in a coma for five months.

Silence. Disbelief. 

-But that is not possible. 
-I'm afraid it is.

Adam delayed some minutes to accept the news. He realized that his hair was longer and tangled. He felt even more weak than before, and could touch his ribs under his white coat. His mouth tasted awful. Then, a sudden thought.

-Where is Muriel?

"If it has passed five months she must be about to give birth. Or she could has had the baby...".

-She is waiting at the door, but before that we have to make you some medical tests.
-No, I must know. What happened?
-...It's OK. It is not sure, but you fell down the stairs and, when your wife returned home she called the ambulance. Since then, you have been here, in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary under treatmen. You have been in safe hands, don't worry.
-...-it was hard to assimilate that great amount of information. But he wanted to see his wife. He was angry with himself. For his ineptitude he has abandoned her when she needed him the most. The only thing he wanted to do was see her and say how sorry he was. See how her beautiful body has changed, embracing the new and tiny life that was growing inside her. Something of himself. Something of herself. Something of both. Something alive. Something loved...but alone for too much time.

-Mr. Brown?
-Do me what you want, but do it fast.

10th part of my untitled story

White walls. White ceiling. White machines. White dressed people. Others in blue, but white everything...Then, a voice. Muriel's one. Pain in his cheat. Pain in his head. Pain in his arms, especially where some needles were connected to him. Muriel's weeping.

-Shh...don't talk---said one of them.

 Someone was talking to his wife, but he couldn't see them. The rest where working with tools and watching a stupid screen with lines that went up and down, doing an irritating noise. Everything was confusing and overwhelming. He was static and ignorant about his condition, while those "snow and water-dressed pixies" were developing his bustling and frenzied -but organized- dance.

-Can you see me properly? How do you feel?
-Yes, I can. I'm fine. A bit dizzy but fine. Why? Where am I?
-Which is your name?
-Adam what?
-Adam Brown.
-Where do you live?
-In Glasgow, Scotland.
-Are you married?
-Yes, with her, Muriel. I've just heard her, where is she?
-Patience, Mr. Brown. Which is the last memory you remember?
-Mr. Brown, ...
-Yes, I've heard you. It's complicated. If I told you, you would believe I'm crazy.
The man looked him strangely and wrote down something.
-It was just a bad dream, nothing serious.
He stopped, suspicious.
-So...have you slept bad?
-But do you remember when did you fall asleep?
-Hmm and you?  Do you know it?- Adam was beginning to feel irritated. He had lost his patience long ago, but he tried to hide it.
-This is complicated to say, Mr. Brown...

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Don't forget your umbrella

     It is curious how some things affect us more than others. We can feel in the top on the world and, just a few seconds later, we have fallen and chashed into the floor. Depending on the problem, or, better said, how you see and feel the problem, it can be the biggest headache or only a tiny cloud. Thus, many times the problem has to be with us, with our weakness. Sometimes, is other living being who have the trouble. If we appreciate that person, his or her worriment can affect us more than one of your own. Nevertheless, if the deal has to be with someone unconnected, it does not mind the big is it. We won't care. We're selfish.

     Anyway, if we feel self-confident and keep our head cool (while our heart warm), we will be able to solve all these issues. Don't forget your umbrella, 'cause the raindrops are the problems. With it, you will keep in mind them, but you won't be soaked. Also, you can share your common shield with the ones who need help. 

     Don't forget your umbrella, 'cause it's raining.

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

Hi people!

I just wanted to recommend this website (this is not an advert). There, you can see series and movies in English with subtitles in English too.

Good night!

9th part of my untitled story

(...) Next, he could feel how one of its hand catched his head and lifted him in the air, leading him to faint. Just after that, he realized that a scary voice was whispering to him. It was difficult to hear. With a last try, he focused on understand it. It was a kind of song...

"What does reflect a mirror in the dark?
How does it look?
Which secrets does it keep?

Never trust the dark.
Never trust the monster
which hides and hides and kills.

What does reflect a mirror in the dark?
How does it look?
Which secrets does it keep?

As the tree is known by its fruits
I know you
as a guilty.

Oh, may the tree have its fruits?
May the claps be butterflies
and you still alive?

What does reflect a mirror in the dark?
How does it look?
Which secrets does it keep?

Horrible. Creepy.
don't look inside...

What does reflect a mirror in the dark?
Never do open a door
that you are not able to close.

What does reflect a mirror in the dark?
Horrible. Creepy.
Never look inside...

First you dream;
then, it happens.

What does reflect a mirror in the dark?
Horrible. Creepy.
Never look inside...

Never dream 
or it will come.
What does reflect a mirror in the dark?
Horrible. Creepy.
Never look inside...

Have a wish
or a mighty
full of mistery 
It will come true.

Oh, be careful.
'Cause it will come
and become it true". 

Full essay

Full essay:

  As Dalai Lama XIV said, “Human use, population, and technology have reached that certain stage where mother Earth no longer accepts our presence with silence”. Nowdays, we live in a world full of draughts, devastating famines and energy problems, which background is the one of the greenhouse effect and the change climate. This is our fault. We provoke these problems, but we do not know how to solve them. Furthermore, there are some people who does not care about this situation, and even do not want to look for any solution because they think that, to begin with, there is no problem.

     First and fonemost, it is curious how the youth is more concerned compared with the rest of people. This is due to the effective measures taken in schools and other education centres several years ago. Thus, the children and the youngsters in general learn how their acts have consequences, and how some daily actions have very negative repercussions. For instance, when I was a child, I learned how to waste less water and how to recycle. Fortunately, this has happened to me and to my whole generation. As a result, most of those children now try always not to pollute their sorroundings, so they separate recycling waste, they use biodegradable materials instead of pollution products, use the bottle bank and other recycling containers. Some of them are even vegetarian. In other words, Education is again the key to all the problems.

     After that, I would also like to highlight the necessity of making the adults and the elderly aware about the current ecologycal problems and the importance of take actions in order to solve them. As J. R. R. Tolkien said in The Silmarillion, “All have their worth and each contributes to the worth of the others”. Many people of these generations already comprehend these ideas. They are the ones who educated the youth and who try wo be always ecologycal. Nevertheless, a great percentage of non-aware people still existing nowdays. This is a problem that needs to be solved. They should take all this seriously, because, if the whole society becomes ecologyst, it would be possible to stop the change climate, deplete the ozone layer and save natural enclosures that are now harmed, such as rainforests.

     To conclude, it is noteworthy to say that, in general, the youngsters are concerned about the ecologycal problems and they normally take actions such as recycling and saving water. Both they and many adults are in the same situation. Nevertheless, it is necessary to keep on making aware the people in order to finally solve these issues. If everyone join together, we can make the difference and contribute to create a better world for the next generation. We can put an end to this world-wide problem just by embracing green politics.