It is curious that as I get older and the time passes, I watch more cartoons. Adventure Time and Regular Show are a great example of this. The first one was created by Pendleton Ward while, the second one, by J. G. Quintel.
It is curious that as I get older and the time passes, I watch more cartoons. Adventure Time and Regular Show are a great example of this. The first one was created by Pendleton Ward while, the second one, by J. G. Quintel.
The first similarity could be that both are cartoons from the USA and Cartoon Network which, despite its main public was thought to be the children, is followed and seen by lots of teenagers and even adults. About the characters, both main characters are boys who live incredible adventures.
On the other hand, the animal kingdom is very present. There are anthropomorphic animals which act, live and think like as a person would do. A few differences are that in Adventure Time, Finn the human and Jake the dog are the Candy Kingdom's heroes while Mordecai and Rigby, from Regular Show, are two poor blokes who hardly are get paid peanuts working in a park and in general are not respected.
Next, the context is very different. The world of Adventure Time is the result of a nuclear bomb form the Mushroom War, which took place in the actual civilization from the Earth. Thus, the Earth is not complete and all its elements became nuclear mutations. Humans are extints, with the only exception of Finn...or not? (evil laugh). Meanwhile, the world of Regular Show is the actual one whith some differences such as the anthropomorfic animals and supernatural events (Adventure Time is also full of this kind of events, of course).
Adventure TimeAnother important element in both cartoons is the love. In Adventure Time, some examples of love are the love among brothers (Finn and Jake), the love to the job and the kingdom (Princess Bubblegum) and romantic love, which is present in many examples. For instance, we can find Jake and Lady Rainicorn. They have children and grandchildren. We can find platonic love from the Ice King and the princesses (specially with Princess Bubblegum) and from Finn to the Princess Bubblegum. Finn has gone out with enough princesses after superate that he can not be with princess Bubblegum and after his separation with Flame princess. In and alternative (or not) story/dream/strange episode, Finn goes to another dimension and creates a family. Mordecai's romantic life is also complicated because he likes a girl (Margaret) but he can not go out with her (yet). On the contrary, Rigby is not interested in love, but there is a girl (Eileen) who likes him. It is more or less the same problem than with Mordecai (there are much more examples in both cartoons).
The main element of this two remarkable cartoons is the humour; in particular, the absurd one. We can see it in incredible adventures and dialogues with no sense. Nevertheless, the context and the inside of the world and the characters make a masterpiece which combines fun and sadness, silliness and the intelligence, fight and love.

As a conclusion (I could be hours talking about curiosities and interesting information about this two awesome cartoons), I have to emphasize the union of "the adult's world", full of problems, mistery, Psychology and Philosophy, and "the children's one", crammed with humour, nonsenses and animation.
>>I hope you have enjoyed this and, por the people who see this cartoons, I promise I will talk about the much important things and characters of which I could not talk this time. Good night!