domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

1st exam

Task: Write an opinion paragraph (125-150 words) abou something you really like but most people don't like at all.

    Sometimes I remember the first time that I watched Anime and I smile. Before that, I had heard about it from people who did not like it at all or who were absolutely against it. Luckily, I found a group of friends who were fans of Anime such as "One Piece", "Naruto", and "Death Note". They showed me "this world" and i really enjoyed it. Nevertheless, as I have said before, this does not happen in general. This is because Anime and "otakus" (its fans) are often considered "freaks" and weirds; sometimes even fools. Although this kind of behaviour is unfair, it happens every day. From my viewpoint, the Anime shows a different and curious way to see the animation and the kind of drawing and, what is more, it includes a message. Some examples could be the importance of frienships, knowledge and Philosophy. In short, I like Anime because of its visual and psichological aspects and I recommend it to everyone despite the people's general opinion.

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