lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

Full essay

Full essay:

  As Dalai Lama XIV said, “Human use, population, and technology have reached that certain stage where mother Earth no longer accepts our presence with silence”. Nowdays, we live in a world full of draughts, devastating famines and energy problems, which background is the one of the greenhouse effect and the change climate. This is our fault. We provoke these problems, but we do not know how to solve them. Furthermore, there are some people who does not care about this situation, and even do not want to look for any solution because they think that, to begin with, there is no problem.

     First and fonemost, it is curious how the youth is more concerned compared with the rest of people. This is due to the effective measures taken in schools and other education centres several years ago. Thus, the children and the youngsters in general learn how their acts have consequences, and how some daily actions have very negative repercussions. For instance, when I was a child, I learned how to waste less water and how to recycle. Fortunately, this has happened to me and to my whole generation. As a result, most of those children now try always not to pollute their sorroundings, so they separate recycling waste, they use biodegradable materials instead of pollution products, use the bottle bank and other recycling containers. Some of them are even vegetarian. In other words, Education is again the key to all the problems.

     After that, I would also like to highlight the necessity of making the adults and the elderly aware about the current ecologycal problems and the importance of take actions in order to solve them. As J. R. R. Tolkien said in The Silmarillion, “All have their worth and each contributes to the worth of the others”. Many people of these generations already comprehend these ideas. They are the ones who educated the youth and who try wo be always ecologycal. Nevertheless, a great percentage of non-aware people still existing nowdays. This is a problem that needs to be solved. They should take all this seriously, because, if the whole society becomes ecologyst, it would be possible to stop the change climate, deplete the ozone layer and save natural enclosures that are now harmed, such as rainforests.

     To conclude, it is noteworthy to say that, in general, the youngsters are concerned about the ecologycal problems and they normally take actions such as recycling and saving water. Both they and many adults are in the same situation. Nevertheless, it is necessary to keep on making aware the people in order to finally solve these issues. If everyone join together, we can make the difference and contribute to create a better world for the next generation. We can put an end to this world-wide problem just by embracing green politics.

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